okay a little more looking found this post from Bruce on 4/14/2016 You are not allowed to view links.
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LoginIs this considered the definitive list? Bruce notes the issue with Mr or Mrs Kloepfer, and the spelling of MacPherson or McPherson, and WJ Murphy vs Murphey and George Kurata vs Kurota?
Bruce has 36 plus Dan Cooper. The following is Bruce's 4/14/2016 post uneditted.
Passenger List
Here's my latest compilation:
Revised, updated, 4. 14. 16:
Name: Referenced: Source:
1. Almstad, Jack Seattle Times, 2011 Symposium, NWO manifest
2. Andvik, Arnold “Andy” [confirmed: Karen Truitt, 1/4] ST, Symposium, NWO
3. Clouse, Ray, D. ST, Symposium, NWO
4. Connors, Helen, Mrs. ST, Symposium, NWO
5. Connelly, La Vonne ST, Symposium
6. Cooper, Dan [added by BAS, because of “Cooper, D”] Not on ST, Sym, NWO
7. Cooper, Michael ST, Symposium, NWO
8. Cummings, Lynn ST, Symposium, NWO
9. Cummings, Mrs. ST, Symposium, NWO
10. Cummings, Robert ST, Symposium, NWO
11. Donahoe, Patrick, (R.P.) [Karen, 2/4] ST, Symposium, NWO
12. Feingold, Larry, prosecutor [GG] ST, Symposium, NWO
13. Gregory, Robert, B. [GG, Sluggo] ST, Symposium, NWO
14. House, Nancy, [GG, seat 15, Sluggo] ST, Symposium, NWO
15. Jensen, W.P. ST, Symposium, NWO
16. Keats, William ST, Symposium, NWO
17. Kloepfer, Mrs. ST, Symposium, not on NWO
18. Kloepfer, Floyd [GG, p. 31, inconclusive] NWO, not on ST list
19. Kurata, George [GG, steel importer from Japan] ST, Symposium, NWO
20. Labissoniere, George [GG, Sluggo, attorney] ST, Symposium, NWO
21. MacPherson, Bill [Richard Tosaw, book] ST, Symposium, NWO
22. MacPherson, Scott ST, Symposium, NWO
23. MacPherson, S. “son” ST, Symposium, NWO
24. McDonald, Cliff, A. (C.A.) [GG, real estate sales] ST, Symposium, NWO
25. Menendez, A [GG] ST, Symposium, NWO
26. Michelson, Dennis ST, Symposium, NWO
27. Minsch, Patrick, [GG, heavy equip operator] ST, Symposium, NWO
27. Mitchell, “Bill,” William [R. Tosaw] ST, Symposium, NWO
28. Murphey, W. J. ST, Symposium, NWO
29. Pollart, Les [GG] ST, Symposium, NWO
30. Rice, Daniel ST, Symposium, NWO
31. Simmons, Barbara, Mrs. [GG] ST, Symposium, NWO
32. Simmons, Richard, J. [GG] ST, Symposium, NWO
33. Street, Charles “Charlie” [Karen, 3/4] ST, Symposium, NWO
34. Truitt, Allen B [Karen, 4/4] ST, Symposium, NWO
35. Weitzel, Mr. ST, Symposium, NWO
36. Wornstaff, J. R. ST, Symposium, NWO
37. Zrim Spreckel, Cord Harms [GG, print shop owner] ST, Symposium, NWO
Note: NWO manifest spells the MacPherson family name as “McPherson.”
Note: NWO manifest spells WJ Murphy as “Murphey”
Note: GG spells Georger Kurata's name different than NWO, which lists this passenger as Georger Kurota, with an “o.”
1. 37 passengers listed, with Dan Cooper included.
2. Michael Cooper on all lists. Hence, there must have been two Coopers flying on Flight 305
3. Confusion exists whether Mr. and Mrs. Kloepfer were flying together, or just one of them. “Mr.” is on NWO only. “Mrs.” is on STonly.
4. Three MacPherson's are listed, including a “Scott MacPherson” and a “S. MacPherson (son)” on all lists.