Author Topic: New Forum & News Updates  (Read 2009266 times)

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3900 on: November 08, 2017, 11:33:37 PM »
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Regarding Dorwin Schreuder: any man who is as gracious as he, and who also admits in a light-hearted manner that his memory may be faulty, will never be called deceptive by me.

Boy that was fast! Blevins fast!! Do you copy this 24/7 ?   :conspiracy:

It must be my psychic powers.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3901 on: November 08, 2017, 11:33:44 PM »
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Regarding Dorwin Schreuder: any man who is as gracious as he, and who also admits in a light-hearted manner that his memory may be faulty, will never be called deceptive by me.

gratuitous applause on your part is always appreciated by Dorwin! In behalf of Dorwin - THANKS!

I see you have another instant reply while Im writing this - will now close this off and look and then shutdown for the evening. You are the fastest gun in town!  :rofl:


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3902 on: November 08, 2017, 11:34:50 PM »
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Another thing missing from your Money Video - any mention of Tom's forensic work with the bills. Any mention of any forensic results on the money! You do mention Cook hired a scientist but dont tell what any of those results were! Always protect Cook;'s work while tearing other people's work apart. At least you are politically consistent -  :rofl:

All of the findings of the Citizens Sleuths regarding the money will be discussed in one of my upcoming episodes on the CS team.

Oh Goody - the world can hardly wait.



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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3903 on: November 08, 2017, 11:49:44 PM »
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Another thing missing from your Money Video - any mention of Tom's forensic work with the bills. Any mention of any forensic results on the money! You do mention Cook hired a scientist but dont tell what any of those results were! Always protect Cook;'s work while tearing other people's work apart. At least you are politically consistent -  :rofl:

All of the findings of the Citizens Sleuths regarding the money will be discussed in one of my upcoming episodes on the CS team.

Ok Smith, where was DS on the day of the 12th. What did he do with his day? According to you and your conversation with DS. Stop all the bullshit and just tell us.

and on the 13th ..... through the 16th.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2017, 11:52:23 PM by georger »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3904 on: November 09, 2017, 12:30:06 AM »
Still waiting Mr Instant Reply Smith:

What did Dorwin Schreuder do with his day on Feb 12th 1980?

This should be an easy one for you given your deep personal relationship with DS after many lengthy personal conversations with DS.

Still waiting.   

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« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 12:38:25 AM by georger »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3905 on: November 09, 2017, 12:53:44 AM »
Patience is a tough virtue to master.

Ahem, as I remember you telling us, DS - Dorwin Schreuder - was testifying in federal court in Portland on the 12th, and was at T-Bar on the 13th and 14th. I believe you also told us that the feds wrapped things up at that time.



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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3906 on: November 09, 2017, 01:10:55 AM »
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Patience is a tough virtue to master.

Ahem, as I remember you telling us, DS - Dorwin Schreuder - was testifying in federal court in Portland on the 12th, and was at T-Bar on the 13th and 14th. I believe you also told us that the feds wrapped things up at that time.


well you are wrong. I never have written any such thing. Produce it and I will instantly recant all of it! Or, go back and re-read what I actually have written many times starting with DZ. And you still avoid my question: given your personal conversations and knowledge from Dorwin Schreuder personally (you say), what did Doprwin do all day and evening on Tuesday Feb 12th 1980. If you have talked to Dorwin then you should know that - verbatum! 

That covers it all.

Your constant misstating of the facts, constant scrambling and misstating things I have said, plus still having to deal with this nonsense years later .... has evolved to make this an impossibly tedious situation. Good luck with the future evolution of your story telling in the matter of DB Cooper.   

Maybe an authoritative source will come along some day and straighten some of these matters out for future generations. Im basically done with this tedious Bruce Smith bullshit.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 02:59:03 AM by georger »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3907 on: November 09, 2017, 03:59:12 AM »
Having failed to answer the simplest question possible: "What did Dorwin do with his day Tues Feb 12, 1980?" I must conclude Mr. Smith doesn't know the answer!

This is the most basic question anyone could ask if one claims to know a lot about the Tina Bar excavation and money find, who claims to have had many conversations with Dorwin Schreuder, and is running around making educational videos for the public he claims to be an expert witness on.

Something is clearly wrong.   
« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 04:27:30 AM by georger »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3908 on: November 09, 2017, 04:29:13 AM »
Initially, I had always assumed the Dorwin arrived at T-Bar on the 12th along with the rest of the federal crew. Then I read somewhere - I thought it was here - that he was in court and came on the Wednesday, the 13th. Oddly, I thought all this information came from you, Georger, at the time you were posting about the trail of shards that even a blind man could follow.

That's what I know.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3909 on: November 09, 2017, 04:36:19 AM »
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Patience is a tough virtue to master.

Ahem, as I remember you telling us, DS - Dorwin Schreuder - was testifying in federal court in Portland on the 12th, and was at T-Bar on the 13th and 14th. I believe you also told us that the feds wrapped things up at that time.


well you are wrong. I never have written any such thing. Produce it and I will instantly recant all of it! Or, go back and re-read what I actually have written many times starting with DZ. And you still avoid my question: given your personal conversations and knowledge from Dorwin Schreuder personally (you say), what did Doprwin do all day and evening on Tuesday Feb 12th 1980. If you have talked to Dorwin then you should know that - verbatum! 

That covers it all.

Your constant misstating of the facts, constant scrambling and misstating things I have said, plus still having to deal with this nonsense years later .... has evolved to make this an impossibly tedious situation. Good luck with the future evolution of your story telling in the matter of DB Cooper.   

Maybe an authoritative source will come along some day and straighten some of these matters out for future generations. Im basically done with this tedious Bruce Smith bullshit.

It's getting to feel a lot like when Blevins was around.  He popped off so much with misstatements of fact that his credibility became zero, but Blevins kept going, that didn't stop him.  Looks like Smith is repeating the same pattern.  I'm getting a deja vu. You would think Smith would stop doing it, but just like Blevins, he keeps on misstating and misrepresenting the facts with impunity, to the point now where his credibility is nearly gone.  You gotta wonder why someone would stay in such a groove....


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3910 on: November 09, 2017, 12:35:34 PM »
Bruce in the Mountain News article about Andrade writes: "Note: NB-6 and NB-8 parachutes are at the heart of the controversy."

No such thing as an NB 6 or NB 8 parachute. Those are models of Navy harness container assemblies. It's nit picking but important as once the item is out of USN service, the container model NB 6 or NB 8 says nothing about what chute may be contained within.

All things considered I still think Cooper jumped a 28 ft military round canopy. If it was white it was a C 8 and if colored it was a C 9. They are so similar  in construction and performance that we can treat them as identical. If it wasn't a 28 ft round then it was a 26 ft Navy Conical which is also very very tough and can withstand huge opening stresses without damage.

Aviation history was made yesterday when a surplus Boeing C 97, the military version of the Boeing 377 Stratocruiser took to the skies and made a flawless flight from NY to PA. A group of dedicated volunteers worked on the plane steadily for over 14 years making it airworthy. Check out the photos here: You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login  The C 97, with its greenhouse nose, gives an old school meaning to the term "glass cockpit"



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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3911 on: November 09, 2017, 01:31:19 PM »
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Initially, I had always assumed the Dorwin arrived at T-Bar on the 12th along with the rest of the federal crew. Then I read somewhere - I thought it was here - that he was in court and came on the Wednesday, the 13th. Oddly, I thought all this information came from you, Georger, at the time you were posting about the trail of shards that even a blind man could follow.

That's what I know.

"Trail of shards a blind man could follow", were Dorwin's words, not mine. Go back and read my original posts. Nothing has changed.

It was Dorwin and another agent who arrived at TBar on the 12th at about 11:00am, found the Ingram find location, and did a canvas of the beach some 60 yards in both directions from the Ingram find.  That is where the statement "Trail of shards a blind man could follow" comes from, and Dorwin told me that most of the fragments were in a 60yard swath going 'south' from the Ingram find. Dorwin said they stopped when they basically ran out of finding more money fragments. It was Dorwin and _________ who scribed the grid lines in the sand at 20 yard intervals. Two agents had already gone to the Fazio property with the Ingrams earlier that day to locate and mark the Ingram find. Agents secured and closed the road to the Fazio property. The Fazio's were not home at the time but arrived later. Others and news people began arriving around noon after the Himmelsbach-Ingram press conferendce ended at Portland. Some of this history used to be on Kaye's site; he has since taken it down for some reason (space and editing of his website, I think).

Until about two weeks ago Kaye had never talked to Dorwin Schreuder, for some reason. I talked to Tom and he agreed to finally contact Dorwin but I havent heard anything back about how that went. I dont know if Tom now accepts Dorwin's version or not. It may be months before Tom says anything about this. Who knows.

Good luck.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 03:10:33 PM by georger »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3912 on: November 09, 2017, 03:34:25 PM »
Interview with Martin Andrade, Jr.

As posted on the Mountain News-WA:

With the 46th Anniversary of DB Cooper’s skyjacking approaching us – Cooper hijacked his Northwest Orient jetliner on the evening before Thanksgiving in 1971 – it is certainly timely to discuss this iconic crime with another DB Cooper author, Martin Andrade, Jr.

To begin, let’s review Martin’s book.

Andrade is co-author with his father, Martin Andrade, Sr., of: Finding DB Cooper – Chasing the Last Lead in American’s Only Unsolved Skyjacking. Andrade, Sr. is a former commercial airline pilot and offers succinct perspectives on the technical aspects of the hijacking, but most of the Cooper research and writing has been conducted by Andrade, Jr.

The book has three main components – first an overview of the skyjacking, along with a detailing of the clues and characteristics of DB Cooper, and a synopsis of popular suspects. Next is a comparison of known facts with statements and descriptions of Cooper offered in Max Gunther’s 1986 work based upon the hijacking, titled: DB Cooper – What Really Happened?” Lastly, the Andrade’s deliver an original analysis of Cooper’s jump: at night, in the rain, in November while wearing ordinary clothing based upon a review of survival rates and anecdotal accounts of air crews during WW II. The Andrade’s reveal that Allied flight crews experienced a 95% survival rate despite the fact that most crew members had never parachuted before.

The book also contains an extensive reference section where readers can glean the FBI’s actual summary reports – and even cockpit notes taken during the hijacking – that are now part of the documentary vault at the DB Cooper Forum, a vital repository of Cooper-related information.

Martin Andrade, Jr, is a former radio talk-show host, and is the author of a science-fiction novel. He resides in north-central Minnesota, about two hours from Minneapolis, and we had an amicable chat spanning two hours in early November, 2017.

“So how are book sales?” I asked. It seemed like a good way for two authors to bond at the beginning of a conversation.

“Nothing has sold like this before! Martin exclaimed, and I felt a twinge of jealousy. “My book on DB Cooper is selling much stronger than my science-fiction book. I might just switch to writing True Crime from here on out.”

“Are a lot of women reading your Cooper book? I hear that women make up at least 50% of the True Crime market.”

“I don’t know, but women are 55% of the mass market for book sales, and women read a lot more books than men,” Martin said.

Martin and I then delved into the nitty-gritty of his Cooper research, in particular his analysis of Max Gunther’s writings. Gunther developed his book based upon phone calls and letters he received from a woman named, “Clara,” who claimed to have found an injured DB Cooper in the woods near her home in southwest Washington state in 1971. She said Cooper was actually named Dan LeClair, and she nursed him back to health from a severely sprained ankle. Later, she fell in love with LeClair and they moved to the New York City area, laundering the ransom money in Atlantic City casinos and living a quiet life together.

“So what’s new on the Max Gunther front? What can you tell me? I understand that he is long-deceased.”

“Well, Gunther was a journalist, and he interposed many factual statements and references to actual events and people in the text, so I really would love to see his original notes. I hear he archived all of his research, and that his heirs have the material. I know he has a son and a daughter – both grown adults now – and they live in the Connecticut area, but I don’t have the resources to find them at this point.”

Martin continued and said that he considers Gunther’s book to be a work of non-fiction. However, I feel it is a docu-drama-esque book that leans heavily on a questionable source, “Clara.” Nevertheless, it carries strong potentials of being truthful. Regardless, access to Gunther’s notes is critical in determining if Dan LeClair was DB Cooper.

“Sounds like you need a Richard Tosaw to locate them,” I suggested, referring to the now-deceased DB Cooper author who was also an expert in retrieving lost properties and locating missing heirs. Tosaw is perhaps most famous for helping the Ingram family regain possession of half of the Cooper ransom bills after the FBI had confiscated them for evidentiary purposes. Prior, the Ingrams had found three bundles of Cooper twenties at a beach called Tina Bar in 1980.

“Perhaps Snowman can help you find Gunther’s children,” I added. (Snowman is a noted cyber expert who has been very helpful in other DB Cooper-related inquiries.)

“Well, I’ve contacted Mark Metzler a lot over this and other issues, but I don’t want to ask him to help me again by reaching out to Snowman.” (Mark Metzler is widely known as the principal contact person for Snowman, who refuses all direct contact with Cooper researchers.)

“But I am reviewing a lot of documents on Canadian-born, US military vets living in the Untied States,” Martin continued. “Gunther’s Dan LeClair was born in Canada, moved to Chicago when he was a kid, and graduated from high school in New Jersey. After graduation he enlisted in the army, and was a paratrooper in WW II….I’ve got 12,000 vets to check out, so I’m busy. I investigate about two or three individuals a day.”

“It sure would speed things up to talk directly to Max’s kids, wouldn’t it?”

“It sure would,” Martin replied, laughing.

“Any ideas on Dan LeClair’s motivation for hijacking an airplane?” I asked.

“Yes, Clara provided some insights. Dan was called a ‘mouse,’ and felt emasculated. Dan was a ‘company man’, but also was a very smart guy. He was also estranged from his wife. But overall, Dan LeClair’s background is hazy.”

“LeClair was a guy who lived in the background,” Martin added, “and he wasn’t the kind of guy who would raise suspicion.”

Martin also said that the most important sections of the book – the parts that contained the most critical pieces of information – were also the murkiest. He also expanded upon my knowledge of Max Gunther.

“Gunther was a trained journalist, but he had a wide range of interests. He was into black magic and wrote extensively on the occult.”

“You really need to find those kids, Martin,” I intoned.

“You’re right. I do.”

“In the meantime, what is your general view of the DB Cooper case these days?” I asked.

“Well, I’m an eternal optimist,” Martin replied. “I think it’s solvable, and I hope to see all of the FBI files some day. We need to expand our investigation into the chemicals and the tie – I’d love to be able to photo-match the tie to all those (look-alikes) in the newly discovered directories, such as the Tektronix directory.”

At that point Martin and I traded anecdotes about the new crop of young, enthusiastic DB Cooper researchers – but sometimes a little too-enthusiastic in our opinion – appearing at Cooper-related chat rooms and Internet sites.

“Yeah, I worked a lot with Dovid on the Tektronix directory when it first came out,” Martin said with a chuckle. “But we definitely need more analysis of the tie and the particles on it. Like all the smoking particles. Tom Kaye found lots of residues on the tie that come definitively from book matches.”

After a pause, Martin resumed on a related tack. “But we have a problem with those who dismiss evidence away… meaningful discussion and analysis is difficult under those conditions.”

At that point Martin launched into a soliloquy about the on-going dispute over the parachutes, their harnesses, who owned them, and what it all means in terms of truthfulness and the reliability of FBI documents.

“It’s crazy, and I have an NB-6 and an NB-8, too,” he exclaimed in frustration. (Note: NB-6 and NB-8 parachutes are at the heart of the controversy.)

“Well, in terms of disappointments, what do you think of the feds closing the case last year?” I asked.

“It is very frustrating. It feels very unprofessional, almost stunt-like. Do you mean to tell me that the FBI is not interested in the mystery? It’s one of the biggest, and they don’t want to continue investigating a whodunit central to American history? They’re a bit too nonchalant for my tastes.”

For those who would like to follow Martin’s on-going research more closely, visit his website: .

Also note: his family name is pronounced: An – Drah – day. “It’s the Spanish pronunciation, but it comes from the Portuguese-side of the family.”


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3913 on: November 09, 2017, 04:06:54 PM »
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Interview with Martin Andrade, Jr.

As posted on the Mountain News-WA:

With the 46th Anniversary of DB Cooper’s skyjacking approaching us – Cooper hijacked his Northwest Orient jetliner on the evening before Thanksgiving in 1971 – it is certainly timely to discuss this iconic crime with another DB Cooper author, Martin Andrade, Jr.

To begin, let’s review Martin’s book.

Andrade is co-author with his father, Martin Andrade, Sr., of: Finding DB Cooper – Chasing the Last Lead in American’s Only Unsolved Skyjacking. Andrade, Sr. is a former commercial airline pilot and offers succinct perspectives on the technical aspects of the hijacking, but most of the Cooper research and writing has been conducted by Andrade, Jr.

The book has three main components – first an overview of the skyjacking, along with a detailing of the clues and characteristics of DB Cooper, and a synopsis of popular suspects. Next is a comparison of known facts with statements and descriptions of Cooper offered in Max Gunther’s 1986 work based upon the hijacking, titled: DB Cooper – What Really Happened?” Lastly, the Andrade’s deliver an original analysis of Cooper’s jump: at night, in the rain, in November while wearing ordinary clothing based upon a review of survival rates and anecdotal accounts of air crews during WW II. The Andrade’s reveal that Allied flight crews experienced a 95% survival rate despite the fact that most crew members had never parachuted before.

The book also contains an extensive reference section where readers can glean the FBI’s actual summary reports – and even cockpit notes taken during the hijacking – that are now part of the documentary vault at the DB Cooper Forum, a vital repository of Cooper-related information.

Martin Andrade, Jr, is a former radio talk-show host, and is the author of a science-fiction novel. He resides in north-central Minnesota, about two hours from Minneapolis, and we had an amicable chat spanning two hours in early November, 2017.

“So how are book sales?” I asked. It seemed like a good way for two authors to bond at the beginning of a conversation.

“Nothing has sold like this before! Martin exclaimed, and I felt a twinge of jealousy. “My book on DB Cooper is selling much stronger than my science-fiction book. I might just switch to writing True Crime from here on out.”

“Are a lot of women reading your Cooper book? I hear that women make up at least 50% of the True Crime market.”

“I don’t know, but women are 55% of the mass market for book sales, and women read a lot more books than men,” Martin said.

Martin and I then delved into the nitty-gritty of his Cooper research, in particular his analysis of Max Gunther’s writings. Gunther developed his book based upon phone calls and letters he received from a woman named, “Clara,” who claimed to have found an injured DB Cooper in the woods near her home in southwest Washington state in 1971. She said Cooper was actually named Dan LeClair, and she nursed him back to health from a severely sprained ankle. Later, she fell in love with LeClair and they moved to the New York City area, laundering the ransom money in Atlantic City casinos and living a quiet life together.

“So what’s new on the Max Gunther front? What can you tell me? I understand that he is long-deceased.”

“Well, Gunther was a journalist, and he interposed many factual statements and references to actual events and people in the text, so I really would love to see his original notes. I hear he archived all of his research, and that his heirs have the material. I know he has a son and a daughter – both grown adults now – and they live in the Connecticut area, but I don’t have the resources to find them at this point.”

Martin continued and said that he considers Gunther’s book to be a work of non-fiction. However, I feel it is a docu-drama-esque book that leans heavily on a questionable source, “Clara.” Nevertheless, it carries strong potentials of being truthful. Regardless, access to Gunther’s notes is critical in determining if Dan LeClair was DB Cooper.

“Sounds like you need a Richard Tosaw to locate them,” I suggested, referring to the now-deceased DB Cooper author who was also an expert in retrieving lost properties and locating missing heirs. Tosaw is perhaps most famous for helping the Ingram family regain possession of half of the Cooper ransom bills after the FBI had confiscated them for evidentiary purposes. Prior, the Ingrams had found three bundles of Cooper twenties at a beach called Tina Bar in 1980.

“Perhaps Snowman can help you find Gunther’s children,” I added. (Snowman is a noted cyber expert who has been very helpful in other DB Cooper-related inquiries.)

“Well, I’ve contacted Mark Metzler a lot over this and other issues, but I don’t want to ask him to help me again by reaching out to Snowman.” (Mark Metzler is widely known as the principal contact person for Snowman, who refuses all direct contact with Cooper researchers.)

“But I am reviewing a lot of documents on Canadian-born, US military vets living in the Untied States,” Martin continued. “Gunther’s Dan LeClair was born in Canada, moved to Chicago when he was a kid, and graduated from high school in New Jersey. After graduation he enlisted in the army, and was a paratrooper in WW II….I’ve got 12,000 vets to check out, so I’m busy. I investigate about two or three individuals a day.”

“It sure would speed things up to talk directly to Max’s kids, wouldn’t it?”

“It sure would,” Martin replied, laughing.

“Any ideas on Dan LeClair’s motivation for hijacking an airplane?” I asked.

“Yes, Clara provided some insights. Dan was called a ‘mouse,’ and felt emasculated. Dan was a ‘company man’, but also was a very smart guy. He was also estranged from his wife. But overall, Dan LeClair’s background is hazy.”

“LeClair was a guy who lived in the background,” Martin added, “and he wasn’t the kind of guy who would raise suspicion.”

Martin also said that the most important sections of the book – the parts that contained the most critical pieces of information – were also the murkiest. He also expanded upon my knowledge of Max Gunther.

“Gunther was a trained journalist, but he had a wide range of interests. He was into black magic and wrote extensively on the occult.”

“You really need to find those kids, Martin,” I intoned.

“You’re right. I do.”

“In the meantime, what is your general view of the DB Cooper case these days?” I asked.

“Well, I’m an eternal optimist,” Martin replied. “I think it’s solvable, and I hope to see all of the FBI files some day. We need to expand our investigation into the chemicals and the tie – I’d love to be able to photo-match the tie to all those (look-alikes) in the newly discovered directories, such as the Tektronix directory.”

At that point Martin and I traded anecdotes about the new crop of young, enthusiastic DB Cooper researchers – but sometimes a little too-enthusiastic in our opinion – appearing at Cooper-related chat rooms and Internet sites.

“Yeah, I worked a lot with Dovid on the Tektronix directory when it first came out,” Martin said with a chuckle. “But we definitely need more analysis of the tie and the particles on it. Like all the smoking particles. Tom Kaye found lots of residues on the tie that come definitively from book matches.”

After a pause, Martin resumed on a related tack. “But we have a problem with those who dismiss evidence away… meaningful discussion and analysis is difficult under those conditions.”

At that point Martin launched into a soliloquy about the on-going dispute over the parachutes, their harnesses, who owned them, and what it all means in terms of truthfulness and the reliability of FBI documents.

“It’s crazy, and I have an NB-6 and an NB-8, too,” he exclaimed in frustration. (Note: NB-6 and NB-8 parachutes are at the heart of the controversy.)

“Well, in terms of disappointments, what do you think of the feds closing the case last year?” I asked.

“It is very frustrating. It feels very unprofessional, almost stunt-like. Do you mean to tell me that the FBI is not interested in the mystery? It’s one of the biggest, and they don’t want to continue investigating a whodunit central to American history? They’re a bit too nonchalant for my tastes.”

For those who would like to follow Martin’s on-going research more closely, visit his website: .

Also note: his family name is pronounced: An – Drah – day. “It’s the Spanish pronunciation, but it comes from the Portuguese-side of the family.”

More anti-FBI conspiracy theory. Play it again, Sam.  :congrats:

You spend your time on this rather than taking to Dorwin Schreuder and getting his story straight! Your priorities define you. You obviously think you can do 'everything', with equal expertise. That's turning out to be the case!
« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 04:24:03 PM by georger »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #3914 on: November 09, 2017, 04:22:24 PM »
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Bruce in the Mountain News article about Andrade writes: "Note: NB-6 and NB-8 parachutes are at the heart of the controversy."

No such thing as an NB 6 or NB 8 parachute. Those are models of Navy harness container assemblies. It's nit picking but important as once the item is out of USN service, the container model NB 6 or NB 8 says nothing about what chute may be contained within....

I understand, 377. I used the term "NB-6 and NB-8" and called them "parachutes" because the guy who started this controversy, Earl Cossey, referred to his parachutes as an NB-6 and an NB-8, and that is the common parlance for these types of military back chutes outside of the rarified atmosphere of this discussion site.

Of course, we who parlay here now know what a C-8 and a C-9 are, and other more informative descriptions of main chutes, due to your wonderful diligence. Thank you, and please keep working to make us smarter!
« Last Edit: November 09, 2017, 04:24:50 PM by Bruce A. Smith »