...I was trying to point you guys in the right direction...
I just LOVE being pointed in the right direction. AH....
Schaffner said to Geoff Gray when he asked her why Tina refused to discuss the hijacking. Schaffner replied: "She's hiding something..." But Schaffner couldn't say what it was.
Reminds me of Hal Holbrook as Deepthroat in one of my top 5 films... All the Presidents Men... so I guess im Redford.....
I digress...... Ok, I'll step up to plate and play !!!!! Now, if Tina were hiding something... one thing it could be, is she may have been led to beleive, that this was a special sanctioned operation for future flight security reasons to see how the entire system would respond, and it is top secret... or, something similar where she wouldn't disclose anything publicly, as its matter of national security... She was young, and perhaps gullible.... OR.. she could have been threatened off, and was spooked and scared, not to get overly talkative about the caper....if Hahneman were involved, and lived near her as you say, then he could have learned personal info on her and threatened her family members to her.... Bruce has good theories on the later part of her life, with mind control... very possible... What says you, Deepthroat, er, Flyjack ?