Author Topic: Suspects And Confessions  (Read 1651140 times)

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5175 on: May 21, 2023, 11:24:15 PM »
Just saw this on You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Geez this would have been a great interview for Bruce Smith. I don't think we ever dug up info that he had been married? Actually the name "Pauline" sounds familar. Hmm. I wonder if Pauline had kids from a prior marriage, or with Ted?

from the obit. I guess she was married to Ted when he died in 2007? Another weird case of someone being married to someone they suspected was criminal, but never notifying authorities (I mean she reminds me of Jo Weber)

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In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband Ted Braden, who died June 21, 2007; four of her siblings, Rose Petrosky, Frances Biddle, John and Harry Pottios and one grandchild, Candice Freeman.Ă‚

She is survived by her four children, Connie (Daniel) Freeman, Marion Carmella, Noreen (Kirk) Adams and Camille Ross (Adam) Allansson; five grandchildren, Clint Freeman, Amy Adams, Matthew Adams, Bethany Carmella and Ryan Ross; two great grandchildren, Austin Freeman and Isabella Giovanardi and her four remaining siblings Emily Gazi, Raymond Pottios, Myron Pottios and Mickey Bitsko.

I had gotten a copy of Braden's license in PA ..when I was looking at his eye color
I actually have a real copy of that Ramparts he was on the cover of.

the reddit article. Funny grandma says Braden was 'wealthy" when she married him in '72
I guess I knew Braden was a truck driver later in life. Didn't realize he was suspected of any crimes involving trucking.
Ellsworth is south of Pittsburgh.
About 300 miles from Tina Mucklow's roots in Bucks County, PA

My Grandma was Ted Bradens ex-wife.
My grandma Catherine (Pauline) Braden was married to Ted Braden for some time in Ellsworth Pennsylvania. I was too young and didn’t really find out about db Cooper until like 7 years ago but my grandma had gotten dementia so I never asked her about it, but my mom told me it when I got a little older and a lot about what my grandma would tell her and what she remembers when she was young. My grandma would always say when db Cooper came up that it was Ted. The db Cooper event happened in 1971, in 1972 is an estimate when they got married my mom says. In Ellsworth Pennsylvania, is where Ted and my Grandma met, from what my mom knows Ted was very wealthy at this time, he had a penthouse in Chicago, and a nice Mercedes. He would also take them out to nice restaurants all the time. My family also knew that he would steal trucks and do other illegal things later. Anyways both my grandma and my mom and other relatives have always been sure that Ted was DB.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5176 on: May 21, 2023, 11:26:51 PM »
I wonder who first started talking about Ted Braden as a suspect? was it me or someone earlier?
I know Bruce did a whole boatload of interviews. I was banned from dropzone during that period, so the record may be spotty.
I remember communicating with Bruce a bunch.

I don't think Ted Braden shows up in any FBI files ??

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5177 on: May 21, 2023, 11:53:08 PM »
great pic of Ted in Vietnam '66
shades and smokin'....Looking good!
Although the Ramparts pic has blue eyes, his drivers license in PA had "hazel"
Trying to find the year he married Catherine Pauline xxx.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5178 on: May 22, 2023, 12:31:14 AM »
wikipedia has some info I wasn't aware of. (maybe from the recent book). I guess I wasn't aware of all the crime. Also wasn't aware he was in prison in the '80s?
(Pauline stayed married to him during this period??)..funnyt pauline isn't mentioned in his wikipedia . Have to find out about this $250k "scam" ..weird it was in the '"early 70s", as was the Pauline marriage?

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Following his military discharge in 1967, the details of Braden's life are largely unknown, but at the time of the hijacking he was a truck driver for Consolidated Freightways, which was headquartered in Vancouver, Washington, just across the Columbia River from Portland and not far from the suspected dropzone of Ariel, Washington.[13]

It is also known that at some point in the early 1970s he was investigated by the FBI for stealing $250,000 during a trucking scam he had allegedly devised, but he was never charged for this supposed crime.[/b][14] In 1980, Braden was indicted by a Federal grand jury for driving an 18-wheeler full of stolen goods from Arizona to Massachusetts, but it is unknown whether there was a conviction in that case.[15] Two years later Braden was arrested in Pennsylvania for driving a stolen vehicle with fictitious plates and for having no driver's license.[16]

Braden eventually ended up being sent to Federal prison at some point during the late 1980s, serving time in Pennsylvania, but the precise crime is unknown.[17]

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5179 on: May 22, 2023, 01:54:32 AM »
I got the Beeson 2020 Paratrooper of Fortunbe kindle book on Braden
It's actually a well researched book. Beeson did much much better than most people focusing on a suspect. Worth the $5 thru Kindle.

Here's one nugget.

Beeson has a letter from April 3, 1973. At first I thought this letter was to Pat, but evidently it was to Pauline. They evidently had a volatile relationship this wasn't a real separation. The date of the marriage to Pauline is below...August 1970 in Atlantic City. Not too long after filing for divorce from wife Pat (in 1969) who was actually the 2nd marriage. Rosalind "Roz" Lauer Braden was apparently the first wife (with biological kids with her)

"It's not exactly clear when Braden began his career as a long haul truck driver, but it is clear from a separation letter that he wrote to his wife on April 3, 1973, (in which he stated "as for my intentions, I intend to say with Consolidated Freightways so long as they want me"...

The letter reads in part
"This note is to advise you of what you may expect from me in your immediate future: when you walked out of the apartment this morning against my wishes you disobeyed me for the last time - your are now a "liberated woman." ... In closing, let me wish you the best of luck in your new job, your new career and your not so new independent way-of-life. Best o' Luck, Ted."

Even though that letter sounds like a final breakup, evidently Ted and Pauline stayed together after that??

letter was provided by youngest step-daughter Camille, found in mother Pauline's belongings in 2018 (death).
Ted had married Camille's mother Pauline, in Atlantic City, New Jersey in August 1970
So Ted and Pauline got married in August 1970

also, Beeson notes:
Ted Braden had two biological children with his first wife Rosalind "Roz" Lauer Braden.
This was before Ted was married to Pat.

the book has numerous details and newspaper articles about crimes in the '80s and '90s

Oh Beeson mentions me:
"The name Ted B. Braden was first introduced to the D.B. Cooper World on D.B Cooper online forums by Bruce A. Smith,...and a forum poster who goes by the name of Snowmman"

what an eerie coincidence! He even spelled it right.

Oh Beeson has Ted Braden's Pennsylvania State Police Record. That's what I had that had his eyes as hazel.

Ah, Beeson has this detail I was looking for
Ted divorced Pat (his 2nd wife) in 1969, filed in Hardee Country Florida.

So he divorced Pat in 1969 and married Pauline in 1970
So in 1971 he was into a new marriage that was tumultous.

Apparently Ted met the first wife Rosalind Lauer while an undergraduate at University of Toledo in the late 1940s.

Braden's nephew confirmed that Roz wouldn't give a divorce to Braden because she was Catholic, so when in April 1958 Ted married Francis Patricia "Pat" Blizzard in Greensville, PA, Ted was still married to Roz. Roz remarried Beeson theorizes she must have gotten an annullment.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5180 on: May 22, 2023, 01:01:24 PM »
Looking at Beeson's book , it looks like the "$250,000 scam" detail comes from a Bruce Smith interview of Pauline (remember she had Alzheimer's)

"She [Pauline] also explained to Bruce Smith that the Feds told here that Ted was arrested by the FBI in the early 1970s for stealing over $250,000 worth of goods by using a trucking insurance scam in which he would arrange for his rig to be stolen by accomplices. It appears that Braden also eluded serious jail time for this alleged endeavor as well"

That's a lot of detail for someone with Alzheimer's. Not sure it should be discounted.
Pauline would have been married to Ted in "early 1970's"...were they separated at the time of the scam? When did the FBI tell Pauline? Did the FBI interview Pauline as part of the investigation into the scam?
Did Ted get off because the MACV-SOG stuff in Vietnam was still secret?

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5181 on: May 22, 2023, 01:07:58 PM »
If Ted was working for Consolidated Freightways in 1973 (confirmed by his statement in the letter to Pauline, referenced above)

then I wonder if the insurance scam was with Consolidated Freightways (if it was in "early '70s")

could he have lost his job as a result? In the letter he appeared to be satisfied working for them.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5182 on: May 22, 2023, 02:01:50 PM »
was perusing fbi file 81
first time I saw Sheridan's name unredacted. He would have liked to see it!

and a pic of sheridan..mug shot or ? It does mention "from Boeing headquarters" so maybe it's a boeing photo? If so, then it would be a much earlier photo of Sheridan?

Sheridan was suspect # 112
« Last Edit: May 22, 2023, 02:03:20 PM by snowmman »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5183 on: May 22, 2023, 02:07:02 PM »
from file 81

file no 164-81-1a apparently had some suspect photos from early on?

some of the names are not redacted. some are
they have dates on when the photo was taken. The "date filed" is Dec 16 thru Dec 20, 1971

there's some more (in and around page 218, but can't attach (size)
« Last Edit: May 22, 2023, 02:13:20 PM by snowmman »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5184 on: May 22, 2023, 02:16:55 PM »
this note on page 208 of fbi file 80 ..followed by the well known radar trace map, seems to say that the "address of contributor" was Boeing Co.

so did Boeing get data from ??? and make the trace map?


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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5185 on: May 22, 2023, 02:21:39 PM »
page 212 of fbi file 80 has a section of the "radar trace" from Boeing
has the well known markers (time) that we have from the Larry-provided color map

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5186 on: May 22, 2023, 05:54:02 PM »
in 1973, Allen Tyre (buckshot31 at says Braden was driving a "18 wheeler for Pittsburg Glass Co, Pittsburg" based on the random meet at a truck stop.

"In 1973 Ted was driving an 18 wheeler for Pittsburg Glass Co, Pittsburg, PA. I think his primary route was between Pittsburg and Nashville. The only markings on the tractor were the DOT numbers. The trailer was well marked with Pittsburg glass logos and etc. He appeared to be very content driving an 18 wheeler. Have a great day. Al"

so that's odd, given the letter to Pauline in 1973 talking about Consolidated Freightways.

And the supposed FBI investigation of an insurance scam in the "early '70s?"
could there be a relationship?

I was wondering if the FBI faked the story, when they interviewed Pauline...really looking to dig up info about possible hijack connection
Since Braden didn't go to jail or anything?

I'm also wondering why there is no mention of Braden anywhere in the FBI files released. That's odd.

Did no one drop a dime on Braden in all these years to FBI? FBI has zero paperwork on Braden. Hard to believe. Especially when you see all the obvious "not" suspects in the files.

Be nice to do a FOIA on Braden to see what the FBI has.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5187 on: May 31, 2023, 11:23:02 AM »
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I'm dabbling in the Zodiac case now. The Cooper thing has my full attention at the moment.

Bruce finished his sojourn to the Caribbean and is back in the States. He tells me he is doing well.

Good to know about Bruce.  What about this Edwards fella?  Do you think he is the Zodiac?  i mean, sorry to go back to this but I just heard more of him and some of the Cobert interview,( I am talking about the  Megyn Kelly interview with Cobert 11months go).  and some are hell bent convinced he is the bird?  Post is another that is up there on the list I guess? I know you have studied this.  Justy wondering if  you are convinced its someone or if you  are on the fence?
« Last Edit: May 31, 2023, 11:52:37 AM by DBfan57 »

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5188 on: June 01, 2023, 02:26:18 PM »
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I'm dabbling in the Zodiac case now. The Cooper thing has my full attention at the moment.

Bruce finished his sojourn to the Caribbean and is back in the States. He tells me he is doing well.

Good to know about Bruce.  What about this Edwards fella?  Do you think he is the Zodiac?  i mean, sorry to go back to this but I just heard more of him and some of the Cobert interview,( I am talking about the  Megyn Kelly interview with Cobert 11months go).  and some are hell bent convinced he is the bird?  Post is another that is up there on the list I guess? I know you have studied this.  Justy wondering if  you are convinced its someone or if you  are on the fence?  Id shoot Post myself if he were not already dead the piece of crap.  Colbert is very smart and convincing as you know.

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Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Reply #5189 on: June 02, 2023, 10:02:54 PM »
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I'm dabbling in the Zodiac case now. The Cooper thing has my full attention at the moment.

Bruce finished his sojourn to the Caribbean and is back in the States. He tells me he is doing well.

Good to know about Bruce.  What about this Edwards fella?  Do you think he is the Zodiac?  i mean, sorry to go back to this but I just heard more of him and some of the Cobert interview,( I am talking about the  Megyn Kelly interview with Cobert 11months go).  and some are hell bent convinced he is the bird?  Post is another that is up there on the list I guess? I know you have studied this.  Justy wondering if  you are convinced its someone or if you  are on the fence?
No. Edwards and Poste are terrible candidates. Let me put it this way: Rackstraw is a better suspect for Cooper than Poste is a suspect for Zodiac. Many of Colbert's claims about Poste were completely debunked in 48 hours on Zodiac forums.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2023, 10:04:36 PM by Chaucer »
“Completely unhinged”
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