Somebody needs to get the WZZM Lepsy story in front of Flo and Tina, have them watch it, and see how they react.
I know that's easier said than done, given that both Flo and Tina have chosen to live reclusive lives in recent decades, but in the world of Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Parascope, etc... one could argue that Flo/Tina can't completely hide forever from the Lepsy news bomb that dropped one week ago tonight.
Wanna go visit Tina, Storyteller? I'll take you to the doorstep, but after that you're on your own.
Remember, these gals are my age, and buddy, you have no idea how EASY it is for us Boomers to tell your Twit/Fb generation to buzz off. Click.
Besides, we can't even see the buttons, let alone hit 'em...
You're making me chuckle, Storyteller....I'm feeling protective of Tina for the first time ever, wanting to help shield her from WZZM and Lespy - that's how lousy a suspect Leppo-man really is. This must be how all of Tina's crew has felt over the years, keeping guys like me (and you) at bay.
You might have more success with Billy M, though. Dickie is more like Billy's man - old, pudgy, soft and turkey-necked. Besides, the rumor is that Mitchell is back to talking with media, although he told me EXPRESSLY that he doesn't want to talk with me. If ya see Billy, tell him I say "hello, and no hard feelings." I like Bill. Nice guy. Just touchy for some reason. Especially with me.