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DB Cooper / Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Last post by Olemisscub on June 02, 2023, 10:49:53 PM »
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I'd be more willing to post on the DZ if I were confident certain people were no longer posting there.

That said, I HATE the format of the DZ. You have to sift through thousands of pages to get a sense of the discussion. My gripe with the FB group is that there are a lot of new people to the case who post the same stuff again and again. It's also hard to navigate.

Frankly, I wish Shutter would allow posters the ability to start there own threads so that we could easily search certain topics.

Yes, the mega thread (singular) is a huge issue with the DZ and the mega-threads on this forum are an issue as well. I’ve been on various messages boards for well over 20 years now and the ones with mega threads are somewhat stifling.

This forum would absolutely be revitalized by being able to start your own threads. I want this forum to survive and thrive.
DB Cooper / Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Last post by snowmman on June 02, 2023, 10:27:47 PM »
I filed my very first FBI FOIA on Braden.
curious to see how the process works.

supposedly by law I'm supposed to get at least the first response within 20-30 days?
DB Cooper / Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Last post by Chaucer on June 02, 2023, 10:09:29 PM »
I'd be more willing to post on the DZ if I were confident certain people were no longer posting there.

That said, I HATE the format of the DZ. You have to sift through thousands of pages to get a sense of the discussion. My gripe with the FB group is that there are a lot of new people to the case who post the same stuff again and again. It's also hard to navigate.

Frankly, I wish Shutter would allow posters the ability to start there own threads so that we could easily search certain topics.
DB Cooper / Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Last post by Chaucer on June 02, 2023, 10:02:54 PM »
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I'm dabbling in the Zodiac case now. The Cooper thing has my full attention at the moment.

Bruce finished his sojourn to the Caribbean and is back in the States. He tells me he is doing well.

Good to know about Bruce.  What about this Edwards fella?  Do you think he is the Zodiac?  i mean, sorry to go back to this but I just heard more of him and some of the Cobert interview,( I am talking about the  Megyn Kelly interview with Cobert 11months go).  and some are hell bent convinced he is the bird?  Post is another that is up there on the list I guess? I know you have studied this.  Justy wondering if  you are convinced its someone or if you  are on the fence?
No. Edwards and Poste are terrible candidates. Let me put it this way: Rackstraw is a better suspect for Cooper than Poste is a suspect for Zodiac. Many of Colbert's claims about Poste were completely debunked in 48 hours on Zodiac forums.
DB Cooper / Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Last post by DBfan57 on June 01, 2023, 02:26:18 PM »
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I'm dabbling in the Zodiac case now. The Cooper thing has my full attention at the moment.

Bruce finished his sojourn to the Caribbean and is back in the States. He tells me he is doing well.

Good to know about Bruce.  What about this Edwards fella?  Do you think he is the Zodiac?  i mean, sorry to go back to this but I just heard more of him and some of the Cobert interview,( I am talking about the  Megyn Kelly interview with Cobert 11months go).  and some are hell bent convinced he is the bird?  Post is another that is up there on the list I guess? I know you have studied this.  Justy wondering if  you are convinced its someone or if you  are on the fence?  Id shoot Post myself if he were not already dead the piece of crap.  Colbert is very smart and convincing as you know.
DB Cooper / Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Last post by DBfan57 on May 31, 2023, 11:23:02 AM »
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I'm dabbling in the Zodiac case now. The Cooper thing has my full attention at the moment.

Bruce finished his sojourn to the Caribbean and is back in the States. He tells me he is doing well.

Good to know about Bruce.  What about this Edwards fella?  Do you think he is the Zodiac?  i mean, sorry to go back to this but I just heard more of him and some of the Cobert interview,( I am talking about the  Megyn Kelly interview with Cobert 11months go).  and some are hell bent convinced he is the bird?  Post is another that is up there on the list I guess? I know you have studied this.  Justy wondering if  you are convinced its someone or if you  are on the fence?
DB Cooper / Re: General Questions About The Case
« Last post by snowmman on May 26, 2023, 07:07:41 PM »
Just noticed this at (sorry i didn't note the credit)
copying here just for info.

braden's discharge (dd-214) from his wwii era enlistment

noted he had gray eyes then (brown hair)
the later pennsyvlania police report had noted gray/hazel

another case of his signature at the bottom also
DB Cooper / Re: General Questions About The Case
« Last post by snowmman on May 26, 2023, 02:12:44 AM »
Georgia, Muscogee County
The following appeared in The Columbus Ledger on January 17th 1950 on page 17:

There will be sold at public outcry to the highest and best bidder for cash before the Court House door of Muscogee County between the legal hours of sale. on the first Tuesday in February, 1950, the following property to-wit:

One 1946 Club Coupe Mercury automobile, Motor No 96A1318394 Said property was found in possession of Hardaway Motor Co. and levied on as the property of Ted B. Braden Jr. to satisfy a foreclosure on conditional bill of sale against him in favor of Federal Services Finance Corporation from the Superior Court of Muscogee County, Ga.

This the 30th day of December, 1949. E. F. Howell, Sheriff, Muscogee Co., Georgia January 16, 17, 24, 31, 1950.
DB Cooper / Re: General Questions About The Case
« Last post by snowmman on May 26, 2023, 02:08:26 AM »
interesting comment that Braden was a "gambler" while married to the first wife  (from the 1950 census?)

In the 1950 federal census, Ted was 21, married and living in Columbus Georgia. He was a boarder in the house of Cecil and Breta Jones. Also in the household were Ted and Rosalind's 3 children. Ted stated that he was a gambler in the entertainment industry. A newspaper article from about that time shows his financial circumstances. See Georgia, Muscogee County.

I checked the 1950 census and it's true. the relevant page is attached below
DB Cooper / Re: General Questions About The Case
« Last post by snowmman on May 25, 2023, 08:56:40 PM »
Given the small number of macv-sog...
if there was even an inkling of macv-sog suspicion, there couldn't be more than 10 people worth investigating.

I mean I wonder what the list of 10 would be.

Braden was the only thing I came up with.
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