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DB Cooper / Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Last post by snowmman on June 05, 2023, 07:50:03 PM »
Or Braden confessed to the hijacking and hoped to get reduced sentence by pinning the hijacking on someone else.
He had the money as "proof"
The FBI investigated and discovered he was lying.
but they had the bills and didn't know what to do with them since it opened a can of worms. They suspected Braden but couldn't prove it and didn't want to try him and potentially have him get off even though they had bills.

The FBI manager just said "Make it go away"
So some FBI agents went out one night to Tena Bar, smoked some joints, and buried the bills.
DB Cooper / Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Last post by snowmman on June 05, 2023, 07:06:04 PM »
Okay here's some random speculation.

Braden planted what small amount of bills he had on Tena Bar, because he knew he was going to jail in 1980
He didn't want someone going thru his stuff while he was in the joint, and finding them, and leading to more jail time!
DB Cooper / Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Last post by snowmman on June 05, 2023, 07:04:38 PM »
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I've pulled every string I have with my Federal Court connections to see what he was in prison for and can't find it.

that's interesting. I was thinking the case should be in some online case or conviction record
do you have access to normal lawyer records search?
And you couldn't find it?
DB Cooper / Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Last post by snowmman on June 05, 2023, 07:03:10 PM »
oh I"ve not found anything new yet
new to me, yes.
info was from Beeson's book. I got the kindle.
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I wasn't aware of the criminal activity, the imprisonment, the divorces, kids or all the wives before

So Braden is a more interesting character now...i.e. more than just his Vietnam/mercentary behavior

I included enough info to hopefully get the FBI to search on the trucking insurance fraud and maybe the conviction for federal prison
DB Cooper / Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Last post by Parrotheadvol on June 05, 2023, 05:50:25 PM »
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So like Cooper the mystery endures?  Both of these psycho' make the real DB Cooper look like a choir boy anyway.  Cooper was never a violent criminal I do not believe, unlike these Zodiac suspects.  Colbert does not seem like he is stupid to me.  But I do not know the details as you do. The guy he believes it is did have the wrinkles that fit the eye description and fits the eye witness testimony a bit.  Its too bad that in both of these cases its likely they are chasing a dead man.  I now really doubt Cooper is still alive.  And I think we are certain the Zodiac is dead.

You're right, Colbert is not stupid. He knows exactly what he is doing.

I don't think the wrinkles were ever part of any eyewitness description in regards to Zodiac. Chaucer can correct me if I'm mistaken.
DB Cooper / Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Last post by Olemisscub on June 05, 2023, 01:06:51 PM »
Good stuff! I'd be interested to see what you turn up. I'm especially interested in what he was in prison for in the 80's. It's possible it was due to the 1980 charges, but the 1982 charges make that seem unlikely because if he were convicted on the 1980 charges then he wouldn't have been out of prison yet by 1982. Criminal system worked a lot faster back then. If he was indicted in 1980 for Fed charges, he'd have been convicted well before 1982. And Fed time is real time, so he would have almost certainly been in the can in 1982 if convicted of the 1980 charges. So I think it must have been for something else. I've pulled every string I have with my Federal Court connections to see what he was in prison for and can't find it. 
DB Cooper / Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Last post by snowmman on June 05, 2023, 02:43:04 AM »
I didn't explicitly all out the specific hijacking possibliity. I mentioned it, but sort of in passing
I wanted it to sound like I was more interested in the truck insurance fraud and the prison sentence (federal)

I used the FBI FOIA online request portal
I had to include some kind of proof of death. You can FOIA as third party if proof of death or >100 years old

I used a reference to the Social Security death index. Hopefully my screen shot was enough

here's what I wrote. I also said I'd pay extra over and above the "free" hours allotment they have.

Deceased Individual
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
FBI Number
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Ohio, USA
Date of Death
Additional Information
last residence" Stroudsburg, Monroe County, Pennsylvania

Joined US Army Jan 28, 1944 (gave incorrect age, only 16)
March 3rd, 1958 reenlisted in US Army
1960s deployed in Vietnam, Special Forces.

Married Rosalind Lauer in the late 1940s
April 1958 married Francis Patricia "Pat" Blizzard in Greenville,
April 1969 Divorced Pat Braden in Hardee County,Florida
August 1970 Married Catherine "Pauline" Pottios, Atlantic City, NJ

June 6, 1980 taken into federal custody in Massachusetts on theft charges
Mar. 3, 1982 Arrested in Ohio driving stolen car
Sept 4, 1990 Released from Loretto Federal Correctional Institution in
Lorretto, Pennysylvania
inmate number 26835-079. Unclear what the conviction was.

Feb 20, 2002 Arrested for DUI by Pocono Mountain Regional Police Dept.
Dec 17, 2002 Monroe County Pennsylvania probation, then parole
June 1, 2007 died in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania

Appears to have been investigated by FBI in early 1970's with respect to a
trucking insurance fraud case.

May have been investigated as suspect in U.S airplane hijacking.

Eye color: light gray or hazel
Supporting documentation
Screenshot from 2023-05-26 11-16-18.png

DB Cooper / Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Last post by Olemisscub on June 04, 2023, 01:49:19 PM »
see attached
DB Cooper / Re: Tena Bar Money Find
« Last post by Olemisscub on June 04, 2023, 01:48:41 PM »
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I filed my very first FBI FOIA on Braden.
curious to see how the process works.

supposedly by law I'm supposed to get at least the first response within 20-30 days?

This is what I sent them and what they responded with in March (next post)
DB Cooper / Re: Suspects And Confessions
« Last post by DBfan57 on June 03, 2023, 05:24:21 AM »
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I'm dabbling in the Zodiac case now. The Cooper thing has my full attention at the moment.

Bruce finished his sojourn to the Caribbean and is back in the States. He tells me he is doing well.

Good to know about Bruce.  What about this Edwards fella?  Do you think he is the Zodiac?  i mean, sorry to go back to this but I just heard more of him and some of the Cobert interview,( I am talking about the  Megyn Kelly interview with Cobert 11months go).  and some are hell bent convinced he is the bird?  Post is another that is up there on the list I guess? I know you have studied this.  Justy wondering if  you are convinced its someone or if you  are on the fence?
No. Edwards and Poste are terrible candidates. Let me put it this way: Rackstraw is a better suspect for Cooper than Poste is a suspect for Zodiac. Many of Colbert's claims about Poste were completely debunked in 48 hours on Zodiac forums.

So like Cooper the mystery endures?  Both of these psycho' make the real DB Cooper look like a choir boy anyway.  Cooper was never a violent criminal I do not believe, unlike these Zodiac suspects.  Colbert does not seem like he is stupid to me.  But I do not know the details as you do. The guy he believes it is did have the wrinkles that fit the eye description and fits the eye witness testimony a bit.  Its too bad that in both of these cases its likely they are chasing a dead man.  I now really doubt Cooper is still alive.  And I think we are certain the Zodiac is dead. 
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