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Tena Bar Money Find

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Wow ! It’s good to see you’re still around. What has happened to everyone ?
This forum is gone MIA….. Just like Cooper !

You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginWhat has happened to everyone ?
This forum is gone MIA….. Just like Cooper !

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I know, it's been very few posts lately. BUT - At the lower left corner of the home page, there's that 'users online' count, where it shows 'users' and 'guests'. Have I got that right, that means how many people are looking at the site at the moment? Normally, the 'guests' have been somewhere around 100, but lately it's been saying 600, 700, even 800. Does that really mean that there are several hundred people looking at the site at a given time? If so, who the hell are all these people??

You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginYou are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginWhat has happened to everyone ?
This forum is gone MIA….. Just like Cooper !

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I know, it's been very few posts lately. BUT - At the lower left corner of the home page, there's that 'users online' count, where it shows 'users' and 'guests'. Have I got that right, that means how many people are looking at the site at the moment? Normally, the 'guests' have been somewhere around 100, but lately it's been saying 600, 700, even 800. Does that really mean that there are several hundred people looking at the site at a given time? If so, who the hell are all these people??

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At the moment there are 700+ "guests" on this site.  These people are not interested in the Cooper hijacking.  They are socialists and psychologists who are studying us.

You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginYou are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginYou are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginYou are not allowed to view links. Register or Login            I also hope that there are still people here to discuss the case. I prefer this site as well. I enjoy the discussions at the Dropzone forum. I haven't been on the FB site. ( not sure I would be welcome 😂 lol )

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Why wouldn't you be welcome? We have over 3500 members there. All opinions and backgrounds welcome, including yours.

That said, I also wish this forum had more activity. Not sure why it has fallen off...

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I confess this is my first visit in quite some time,  I think some people, myself included, find that this case is very close to being, unsolvable.  The final act that sealed it was the loss of the cigarette butts.  DNA is a very powerful tool in crime and forensics.  There can only be a few possible smoking guns to come about here.  And they are highly unlikely.  I see a new Zodiac video on YouTube.  That one likely is more solvable?  I saw your plane post. Nice.  The 727.

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I agree that the case is unsolvable. I do not think there is enough physical evidence to tie to a single suspect. The tie particles MAY limit the pool of people Cooper could be, but I simply do not think (in the absence of DNA) that we will ever get an answer beyond a reasonable doubt.

That said, I have busied myself with other aspects of the case. I have done a deep dive into the evolution of the dropzone along with the communications that night. I've also spent a lot of time speaking to experts in regards to Tena Bar in an effort to bust some of the commonly believed myths.

At this point, the Cooper case it more of a thought exercise rather than an effort to identify a particular suspect.

As far as not as many people posting here as in the past, I think the FB group has sucked a lot of the oxygen out of the room. Unlike the DZ, there isn't anywhere near the level of toxicity and unlike here, anyone is welcome to join and contribute.  I think the Vortex is evolving and expanding and I'm not sure some of the older generation of Cooper researchers can adapt. It's friendlier, less contentious, less competitive, and more collaborative than a decade ago.

This isn't my site, obviously. It's Shutter's. But I would like to see this forum evolve into a place where it's an "experts only" forum. Where the most experienced, knowledgeable, and respected Cooper researchers can come and discuss the case and collaborate. Just my two cents.

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How do you really classify one as a true expert in this area?  And who knows where the smoking gun could come from if it is ever solved, lets say by more of the money being found somewhere.   As much a longshot as any "expert" solving this.  I would like to see a seperate thread or area to discuss other cases.  Like  JFK and Jack the Ripper lets say.  Those two are likely the only two bigger than the Cooper case.  Closure will never likely come in any of them. 

Let me clear a few things up...the home page guest views is probably around 99% spambots, they try to intrude into webforums to start a new thread with some sort of advertising or even a virus..the bots are typically from Russia and China. they will have similar IP's constantly trying to join the forum. I have a simple step that stops them by asking a simple question while trying to register..

WSHS parachute...I contacted the museum during the pandemic and discussed the problems with the parachute and the need to have it opened for clarification purposes...I was told at the time that a new office manager was coming in and it would be up to her to give any permission to open the chute..I tried several months later but they were still closed.

I will try and contact them again an see if they will agree to allow the chute to be opened. I have a rigger out of Seattle that will travel to WSHS and do the repack. Bruce Smith was going to be there to document and take pics but he's gone so someone needs to step up and take his place....



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