General Category > DB Cooper

The Cooper Vortex Podcast

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I just listened to the Barb Dayton podcast, which I enjoyed.  I picked that one first because I have a trans-male son. 

Barb sounds like somebody described to me by an older transmale (female to male) in his 60's.  He talked about a transfemale that became a biker and hung around with the HA.  This came out of a discussion about how acceptance of people comes from strange places, in that bikers at the time were quite accepting of different people, including trans-people.  Or maybe he read the book your podcast guests wrote and was just repeating the story.

Bruce A. Smith:
I'll have to listen to the Formans' podcast and refresh my memory of Bob and Barb Dayton's exploits.

Two new episodes up tonight! One is DB Cooper was a Sport Parachutist with Mark Metzler, who even threw in a DB Cooper Forum plug, and the other episode is my speech from the latest CooperCon.


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You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginTwo new episodes up tonight! One is DB Cooper was a Sport Parachutist with Mark Metzler, who even threw in a DB Cooper Forum plug, and the other episode is my speech from the latest CooperCon.


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Listening now - much easier listening than some of the podcasts I've been listening to on the William Desmond Taylor case. You both sound very professional and keep to the topics, completely lucid and Darren is an excellent interviewer - not grandstanding but asking what people want to know in a concise manner. Lovely to hear 377's always clear and useful insights. Will check out the Cooper Con speech next, wish I could have been there. Sounds like it was fun.

You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginYou are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginTwo new episodes up tonight! One is DB Cooper was a Sport Parachutist with Mark Metzler, who even threw in a DB Cooper Forum plug, and the other episode is my speech from the latest CooperCon.


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Listening now - much easier listening than some of the podcasts I've been listening to on the William Desmond Taylor case. You both sound very professional and keep to the topics, completely lucid and Darren is an excellent interviewer - not grandstanding but asking what people want to know in a concise manner. Lovely to hear 377's always clear and useful insights. Will check out the Cooper Con speech next, wish I could have been there. Sounds like it was fun.

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I gave the one with 377 a listen yesterday as I was driving home from Arkansas. Other than the Tom Kaye episode, this was probably my favorite. I'll check the other one out on my next road trip.


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