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The WSHM is doing a COOPER Zoom on Thursday. $15. I'm gonna be on. Anyone else? I think it's Zoom. It's some kind of virtual tour.

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Yup I'll see you there Unko Bruce. I think Rob Bertrand said he will be attending as well. Wait it's not this Thursday but next.

Bruce A. Smith:
Righto, Nicky - May 13.

I'm planning on being there! Looking forward to it fellas. Also, on the 13th of May....Expedition Unknown with Josh Gates will be filming a session of Josh playing my DB Cooper Escape Room.

DB Cooper Screenplay update: The script has placed in 2 separate competitions. Things are going well!

You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginYou are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginLet's ZOOM!

The WSHM is doing a COOPER Zoom on Thursday. $15. I'm gonna be on. Anyone else? I think it's Zoom. It's some kind of virtual tour.

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Yup I'll see you there Unko Bruce. I think Rob Bertrand said he will be attending as well. Wait it's not this Thursday but next.

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Bruce A. Smith:
Things are happening in Cooper World. BTW: Ali Gokcigdem, the kid whose pix is a few pages back, will be joining us for the WSHM tour - from his home in Washington DC no less....all on a school night!

You are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginYou are not allowed to view links. Register or LoginPrayers are with you all. Nothing but good will on this end.

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Same here.

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OMG, had no idea several of you were hit with this. We've  had several waves here but hubby and I don't go out much, and we've been in lockdown again for weeks. Half vaxxed now but not fully till August. So very sorry you and Marty have gone through this. Hope you're feelng much better, and stay safe, everyone.


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